Thursday, August 11, 2011

slow down.

Dear sweet boy,
I am with you every day and yet I cannot comprehend how much you have grown these past 13 months. Where has the time gone? Could you do me just one little favor? Could you please slow down?
 I want to savor all these precious moments we have together. The mornings when you snuggle with your dad and I. When we are eating breakfast and you smile at me with a mouth full of cheerios. Your sweet embrace when you are tired and all you really want is your mama. Your little hands that grasp my shirt and let me know you need me in that moment. It's these moments that make me feel very aware of why I was created.
I was created to be your mama and raise you. Only by the Lord's mercy and grace are you healthy and turning into such an adorable little man. I love the afternoons when we play in your room and you babble on and on and I feel as though we are having a real conversation.
Our games of rawring like dinosaurs and playing peek-a-boo around the corner. I love wearing you in the carrier and feeling you relax into me and our bodies once again are reunited...almost the like how you grew for 9 months inside of me. 
                I love the way you smile at anyone and everyone and even more so I love the way your face lights up when they smile back. You are a little ray of sunshine my little Ky.
 Your innocence is so refreshing. I know you won't be this little forever...and so I want to let these moments seep in and make my heart their home forever. I never want to forget these days with you.             

love, your mama. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hi there.

I'm baaack!

What have we been up to while taking a break from the blog you ask?

Let me show you...

(as you can see..I got an iphone..which means instagram..which means easy pictures anytime/anywhere.)